Little Inferno Wiki

Catalog #1

Chimney Stuffer is the first of seven catalogs that you recieve from Miss Nancy.  She gives it to you after you run out of things to burn.


This catalog, unlike the other six, doesn't really have much of a theme to it and contains a variety of objects to burn, from the "Little Inferno Collector Poster" to a Television set.

List of Objects

  • Little Inferno Collector Poster: Burns normally.
  • Corn On The Cob: Pops into popcorn.
  • Letter Blocks: Burns normally.
  • Alarm Clock: Rings if burnt.
  • Someone Else's Credit Card: When burnt, ejects a large amount of $100 dollar bills, which have Miss Nancy's face on them.
  • Broken Magnet: Takes a long time to start burning. You must give one to Sugar Plumps eventually.
  • Sleeping Idol: Sings when burnt.
  • Battery Pack: Explodes when burnt.
  • Ordinary Brick: Takes a long time to start burning, easily snuffs fire.
  • Antiki Torch: Spews out fire from it's mouth when burnt.
  • Wooden Bicycle: Rolls on it's wheels.
  • Toy Pirate: Goes "Yar-har" and "Ahoy" when picked up.
  • Someone Else's Portrait: Burns normally.
  • Instant Seed Packet: Pops open into 7-9 sunflowers.
  • Jar of Fireflies: Shatters and releases several fireflies.
  • My Pictures: Allows the player to select a picture from their "My Pictures" folder and burn it.
  • Spider Egg: Explodes into several spiders.
  • Celebration Bus: When burnt, shoots forward to the sound of children screaming, and explodes.
  • Blankity Bank: Breaks apart, gives a large amount of money.
  • Television: Depicts the current game scene.